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  • 1. Meral Beksac, Güldane Cengiz Seval, Semra Paydaş, Tülin Fıratlı Tuglular, Önder Arslan, Hakan Goker, Leylagul Kaynar, Fevzi Altuntaş, figen atalay, Havva Üsküdar Teke, Ali Zahit Bolaman, Mustafa Pehlivan, Mehmet Sonmez, Ahmet ŞMuzaffer Demir, Mehmet Yılmaz, Sibel Hacıoğlu Kabukçu, Murat Albayrak, Nurgul Özgür Yurttaş, Ayşe Salihoğlu, Merih Kızıl Çakar, Gunhan Gurman. Elotuzumab Plus Pomalidomide or Lenalidomide is Able to Achieve Durable ≥Vgpr Responses Among Immunomodulatory / Proteasome Inhibitor Refractory Myeloma Patients: A Report on Multicenter Experience From Turkey. SP-076. Clin Lymph Myeloma Leukemia October 2019, Volume 19, Issue 10, Supplement 1, Pages e242–e243 DOI:

  • 2. Tulin Tuglular, Ridvan Ali, Mehmet Turgut, Guray Saydam, Selim Yavuz, Ali Unal, Muhlis Cem Ar, Orhan Ayyildiz, Fevzi Altuntas, Mufide Okay, Rafiye Ciftciler, Ozgur Meletli, Nur Soyer, Metban Mastanzade, Zeynep Guven, Teoman Soysal, Abdullah Karakus, Tugce Nur Yigenoglu, Aslihan Sezgin, Baris Ucar, Ece Gokcen, Yahya Buyukasik. PATTERNS OF HYDROXYUREA PRESCRIPTION AND USE IN ROUTINE CLINICAL MANAGEMENT OF POLYCYTHAEMIA VERA: A MULTICENTRE CHART REVIEW STUDY. 25th Congress of the European Hematology Association to be held in Frankfurt, Germany from June 11 - 14, 2020, EHA-2737.

  • 3. Demirkan, F., Ciftciler, R., Sevindik, O. G., Tekgündüz, E., Erkurt, M. A., Vural, F., Turgut B, Kaynar L, Payzın K, Doğu, MH, Karakus, V, Altuntas F, Buyukasık Y. Turkish Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Registry, Retrospective Phase Data. Blood 2019; 134 (Supplement-1): 5073.

  • 4. Derya Sahin, Tugce Yigenoglu, Tahir Darcın, Semih Bascı, Ozcan Saygılı, Bahar Ulu, Alparslan Merdin, Jale Yıldız, Mehmet Bakırtas, Aysegül Tetik, Dicle Iskender, Merih Cakar, Mehmet Dal, Fevzi Altuntas. The Relationship Between ABO and Rhesus Blood Groups and Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. ALL-0237. Clin Lymph Myeloma Leukemia October 2019, Volume 19, Issue 10, Supplement 1, Page S192. DOI:

  • 5. Tahir Darcın, Tugce Yigenoglu, Derya Sahin, Mehmet Bakırtas, Semih Bascı, Alparslan Merdin, Jale Yıldız, Bahar Ulu, Aysegül Tetik, Dicle Iskender, Merih Cakar, Mehmet Sinan Dal, Fevzi Altuntas. Inotuzumab Ozogamicin Salvage Monotherapy for the Treatment of Relapsed/Refractory Acute B-Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia. ALL-0238. Clin Lymph Myeloma Leukemia October 2019, Volume 19, Issue 10, Supplement 1, Page S192-S193. DOI:

  • 6. Tahir Darcın, Tugce Yigenoglu, Derya Sahin, Mehmet Bakırtas, Semih Bascı, Alparslan Merdin, Jale Yıldız, Bahar Ulu, Aysegül Tetik, Dicle Iskender, Merih Cakar, Mehmet Sinan Dal, Fevzi Altuntas. Polatuzumab Vedotin in Combination with Bendamustine Plus Rituximab for the Treatment of Relapsed or Refractory Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma: Our Experience. ALL-0244. Clin Lymph Myeloma Leukemia October 2019, Volume 19, Issue 10, Supplement 1, Page S249-S250. DOI:

  • 7. Yigenoglu, T. N; Ulu, Uncu B; Bascı, S; Bakırtas, M; Darcın, T; Sahin, D; Iskender, D; Cakar, Kizil M; Dal, M. S; Altuntas, F. ONCE- VERSUS TWICE-DAILY FILGRASTIM FOR MOBILIZATION OF PERIPHERAL BLOOD STEM CELLS FROM HEALTHY DONORS: SINGLE CENTER EXPERIENCE. HemaSphere: June 2019 - Volume 3 - Issue - p 1054. doi: 10.1097/01.HS9.0000567936.83974.3f.

  • 8. Ulu, Uncu B; Yiğenoğlu, T. N; Merdin, A; Bakırtaş, M; Başçı, S; Şahin, D; Darçın, T; İskender, D; Çakar, Kızıl M; Dal, M. S; Altuntaş, F. BRENTUXIMAB VEDOTIN PLUS BENDAMUSTINE IN RELAPSED OR REFRACTORY HODGKIN LYMPHOMA: A SINGLE CENTER EXPERIENCE. HemaSphere: June 2019 - Volume 3 - Issue - p 907. doi: 10.1097/01.HS9.0000566516.75354.f8.

  • 9. Sahin, D; Yigenoglu, T. N; Saygılı, O; Bascı, S; Ulu, Uncu B; Darcın, T; Bakırtas, M; Iskender, D; Cakar, Kızıl M; Dal, M. S; Altuntas, F. ADULT ACUTE LEUKEMIA AND SEASONALITY: A SINGLE CENTER EXPERIENCE. HemaSphere: June 2019 - Volume 3 - Issue - p 776. doi: 10.1097/01.HS9.0000565244.53999.b3.

  • 10. Bahar Uncu Ulu, Tuğçe Nur Yiğenoğlu, Fevzi Altuntaş. A CASE OF RECTUS SHEATH HEMATOMA FOLLOWING ADMINISTRATION OF ENOXAPARIN IN A CMML PATIENT. 1st International Encounter in Thrombosis and Hematology. IETH 2018;2-P

  • 11. Soyer N. , Gunduz M., TEKGUNDUZ E., Sahin H. H. , Yildizhan E., OKAY M., Altuntas F, et al. Incidence and risk factors for hepatic sinusoidal obstruction syndrome after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: a retrospective multicenter study of Turkish Hematology Research and Education Group (ThREG). 43rd Annual Meeting of the European-Society-for-Blood-and-Marrow-Transplantation (EBMT), Marseille, Fransa, 26 - 29 Mart 2017, cilt.52.

  • 12. Kaya, A. H., Tekgunduz, E., Bekdemir, F., Batgi, H., Yigenoglu, T., Ulu, B. U., Bilge Ugur, Dicle Iskender, Merih Kizil Cakar, Mehmet Sinan Dal & Akpinar, S, Demirkan F, Altuntas F. (2016). Is It Time for Early Cessation of Empirical Antibiotherapy in Patients Presenting with Febrile Neutropenia? Preliminary Results of a Risk-Adapted Approach in a Hematology Clinic. Blood, 128(22), 2503-2503.

  • 13. Emre Tekgunduz, Mehmet Yilmaz, Mehmet Ali Erkurt, Ilhami Kiki, Ali Hakan Kaya, Leylagul Kaynar, Inci Alacacioglu, Guven Cetin, Ibrahim Ozarslan, Irfan Kuku, Gulden Sincan, Ozan Salim, Sinem Namdaroglu, Abdullah Karakuş, Volkan Karakuş, GulsumEmel Pamuk, Fevzi Altuntas, HakanIsmail Sari, Gulsum Ozet, Ismet Aydogdu, Vahap Okan, Emin Kaya, Rahsan Yildirim, Esra Yildizhan, Gokhan Ozgur, OsmanIlhami Ozcebe, Bahriye Payzin, Seval Akpinar and Fatih Demirkan (2016). A Multicenter Experience of Thrombotic Microangiopathies in Turkey: The Turkish Hematology Research and Education Group (ThREG)-TMA01 Study. Blood, 128(22), 4933-4933.

  • 14. Pamuk, G. E., Maden, M., Pamuk, O. N., Sincan, G., Yildizhan, E., Turak, E. E., ... & Ilhan, G, Altuntas F. (2016, May). Effect of pregnancy on the course of immune thrombocytopenia: a retrospective multicenter study. In JOURNAL OF THROMBOSIS AND HAEMOSTASIS (Vol. 14, pp. 162-162).

  • 15. Pamuk, G. E., Maden, M., Sari, H., Erkurt, M. A., Keskinkilic, M., Cagliyan, A. G., ... & Kuku, I, Altuntas F. (2016, May). The outcome of eltrombopag therapy in immune thrombocytopenia: a multicenter study from Turkey. In JOURNAL OF THROMBOSIS AND HAEMOSTASIS (Vol. 14, pp. 101-101)..

  • 16. Tekgunduz, E., Kaya, A. H., Bekdemir, F., Batgi, H., Ulu, B. U., Yigenoglu, T. N., ... & Altuntas, F. (2016, March). Preliminary results of patients who received haploidentical-related donor HCT: a single center, retrospective report. In BONE MARROW TRANSPLANTATION (Vol. 51, pp. S155-S155).

  • 17. Kocubaba, S., Adibelli, G., Citlak, K., Kilinc, A., Kayikci, O., Tekgunduz, A. I. E., & Altuntas, F. (2016, March). THE FIRST HEMATOPOIETIC CELL TRANSPLANTATION (HCT) ACTIVITY IN UZBEKISTAN AND IMPORTANT ROLE OF TRAINING IN HCT NURSING. In BONE MARROW TRANSPLANTATION (Vol. 51, pp. S526-S526).

  • 18. Tekgündüz, E., Kaya, A., Bozdağ, S., Doğu, M., Dal, M., Bekdemir, F., ... & Altuntas, F. (2016). Clofarabine and Cytarabine Combination in Patients with Fludarabine/Cytarabine Refractory Acute Myeloid Leukemia. Clinical Lymphoma, Myeloma and Leukemia, 16, S24-S25.

  • 19. Kaya, A., Tekgündüz, E., Akpınar, S., Kayıkçı, Ö., Bekdemir, F., Ugur, B., Batgi H, Yigenoglu T, Ulu B, Dal M, İskender, D, Kızıl M, Altuntas F. (2016). Routine CMV Surveillance in Autologous Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation Setting: is It Time for Rethink?. Clinical Lymphoma, Myeloma and Leukemia, 16, S120.

  • 20. Mehmet Hilmi Dogu, Muzaffer Keklik, Hatice Terzi, Serdal Korkmaz, Mehmet Ali Erkurt, Gulsum Akgun Caglıyan, Leylagül Kaynar, Serdar Sivgin, Ismail Sarı, Ali Keskin, Mehmet Sencan, Fevzi Altuntas, Osman Ilhan. Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma in adults aged 65 years and older: A retrospective multicenter analysis of clinical characteristics and therapeutic outcomes. Clinical Lymphoma Myeloma and Leukemia June 2015 Volume 15, Supplement, Page S218.

  • 21. A. Kaya, E. Tekgunduz, D. Iskender, H. Batgi, F. Bekdemir, F. Altuntas. Retrospective evaluation of azacitidine monotherapy in patients with myelodysplastic syndrome: a single center experience. 13th International Symposium on Myelodysplastic Syndromes. 29 April 2015 - 02 May 2015. Leukemia Research April 2015 (39); Supplement 1: S133–S134.

  • 22. Ali Irfan Emre Tekgündüz, Omür Kayıkcı, Sinem Civriz Bozdag, Ali Hakan Kaya, Serife Kocubaba, Sinem Namdaroglu, Bilge Ugur, Fevzi Altuntas. Preliminary results of acute lymphoblastic leukemia patients undergoing allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation: A single center experience. 41th European Group for Bone and Marrow Transplantation, 22-25, March 2015, Istanbul, Turkey. Bone Marrow Transplantation, 50 (Supplement 1), AB060, (2015).

  • 23. Ali Irfan Emre Tekgündüz, Ali Hakan Hakan Kaya, Sinem Civriz Bozdag, Serife Kocubaba, Omür Kayıkcı, Sinem Namdaroglu, Bilge Ugur, Fevzi Altuntas. Does defibrotide prophylaxis decrease the risk of acute graft versus host disease following allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation?a retrospective analysis. 41th European Group for Bone and Marrow Transplantation, 22-25, March 2015, Istanbul, Turkey. Bone Marrow Transplantation, 50 (Supplement 1), P089, (2015).

  • 24. Ali Irfan Emre Tekgunduz, Ali Hakan Kaya, Hakan Göker, Evren Ozdemir, Dicle Iskender, Serife Kocubaba, Omur Kayıkcı, Fevzi Altuntas. Biosimilar filgrastim (Leucostim®) seems to have similar efficacy in hematopoietic progenitor cell mobilization compared to original filgrastim (Neupogen®) and lenograstim (Granocyte®): a retrospective, multicenter analysis. 41th European Group for Bone and Marrow Transplantation, 22-25, March 2015, Istanbul, Turkey. Bone Marrow Transplantation, 50 (Supplement 1), P429, (2015).

  • 25. Meral Beksac, Fatma Savran Oguz, Pervin Topcuoglu, Gulsun Karasu, Mutlu Arat, Serap Aksoylar, Savas Kansoy, Sevgi Kalayoglu Besisik, Alphan Kupesiz, Volkan Hazar, Fevzi Altuntas, Ali Unal, Zafer Gulbas, Fatma Deniz Sargin, Osman Ilhan, Gunhan Gurman, Akif Yesilipek. HLA-A allele mismatch (7/8 or 9/10) is the second best option after 8/8 or 10/10 matched unrelated donors: An analysis on results from Turkish centers. 41th European Group for Bone and Marrow Transplantation, 22-25, March 2015, Istanbul, Turkey. Bone Marrow Transplantation, 50 (Supplement 1), P480, (2015).

  • 26. Anil Tombak, Naci Tiftik, Mehmet Hilmi Dogu, Ismail Sari, Meltem Olga Akay, Mustafa Karagulle, Emin Kaya, Serdal Korkmaz, Mehmet Sencan, Gulsah Akyol, Leylagul Kaynar, Melda Comert, Guray Saydam, Sinan Mehmet Dal, Orhan M. Ayyildiz, Rahsan Yildirim, Ilhami Kiki, Erdal Kara, Ramazan Esen, Mehmet Ali Sungur, Mehmet Ali Erkurt, Fevzi Altuntas, Ali Unal, Osman Ilhan. The Clinical Characteristics and Therapeutic Outcomes of Elderly Patients with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia: A Retrospective Multicenter Study. Blood December 6, 2014;124 (21):5644-5644. DOI:

  • 27. Hakan Goker, Eylem Eliacik, Fevzi Altuntas, Emre Tekgunduz, Evren Ozdemir, Ayse Isik, Omur Kayikci, Ali Hakan Kaya, Salih Aksu, Ibrahim C. Haznedaroglu, Nilgun Sayinalp, Haluk Demiroglu, Osman Ilhami Ozcebe,Yahya Buyukasik. Lower Doses of Plerixafor Use Is Sufficient to Effectively Mobilize PBSC (Peripheral Blood Hematopoetic Stem Cells) When Compared to Standard Administration. Blood December 6, 2014;124 (21): 5830 – 5830. DOI:

  • 28. Hakan Göker, Emre Tekgündüz, İsmail Sarı, Çiğdem Pala, Mehmet Hilmi Doğu, Erman Öztürk, Burhan Turgut, Serdal Korkmaz, Itır Şirinoğlu Demiriz, Yahya Büyükaşık, Sibel Hacıoğlu, Leylagül Kaynar, Sinem Civriz Bozdağ, Fevzi Altuntaş. Philadelphia-positive Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in Daily Practice: A Multicenter Experience. ASCO abstract. J Clin Oncol 2013, Chicago, USA.

  • 29. Omur Kayıkcı, Emre Tekgunduz, Sinem Civriz Bozdağ, itir demiriz, aysegül tetik, murat cinarsoy, sinem namdaroglu, bilge ugur, Fevzi Altuntas. Modified vigepp protocole as a new salvage regimen for relapsed refractory lymphoma patients. 18th Congress of European Hematology Association (EHA). "Haematologica 2013", pp 645 (abstract 4618), Stockholm, İsveç, Haziran 2013.

  • 30. Bilge ugur, Emre Tekgunduz, Sinem Civriz Bozdağ, aysegül tetik, itir demiriz, murat cinarsoy, Omur Kayıkcı, sinem namdaroglu, Fevzi Altuntas. The role of consolidative radiotherapy in diffuse large b cell lymphoma patients with bulky disease. 18th Congress of European Hematology Association (EHA). "Haematologica 2013", pp 641-642 (abstract 5582), Stockholm, İsveç, Haziran 2013.

  • 31. I. Sari, S. Korkmaz, M. Sencan, I. Kiki, E. N. Tiftik, H. Kaya, C. Demir, A. Unal, F. Altuntas, O. Ilhan. The clınıcal characterıstıcs and therapeutıc outcomes of elderly patıents wıth chronıc myeloıd leukemıa: a retrospectıve multıcenter study. SIOG13ABS-1196. 13th Conference of the International Society of Geriatric Oncology - SIOG 2013, Copenhagen, Denmark, 24 to 26 October 2013.

  • 32. Tetik A, Bozdağ SC, Tekgundüz E, Demiriz I, Kayıkçı Ö, Cınarsoy M, Namdaroğlu S, Ugur B, Altuntas F. Mesenchymal stem cell transplantation for steroid refractory GVHD: single center experience. 39th European Group for Bone and Marrow Transplantation/29th Meeting of the EBMT Nurses Group/12th Meeting of the EBMT Management Group, APR 07-10, 2013 London, England. Bone Marrow Transplantation, PP 180, (2013).

  • 33. F. Altuntaş, SC. Bozdağ, I. Demiriz, A. Tetik, O. Kayıkçı, M. Çınarsoy, S. Namdaroğlu, B. Uğur, E. Tekgunduz. BEAM or ICE? 2013 BMT Tandem Meeetings, February, 13-17 2013, Salt Lake City, UT, USA, P128. Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation, 19 (2), suppl 2, S178-179, (2013).

  • 34. Ismail Sari, Emin Kaya,Ilhami Kiki, Mehmet Sencan, Cengiz Demir, Naci Tiftik, Fevzi Altuntas, Osman Ilhan. Clinicopathologic features and treatment results of non-Hodgkin's lymphomas in elderly patients: A multicenter retrospective analysis from Turkey. Journal of Geriatric Oncology. Volume 3, Supplement 1 , Pages S63-S64, October 2012

  • 35. SC. Bozdağ, S. Kocubaba, Z. Genc, G. Durgun, M. Cinarsoy, A. Tetik, O. Kayikc, F. Altuntaş. Predicting the successful peripheral blood stem cell (PBSC) harvesting. 14th International Congress of the World Apheresis Association, September 13–15 2012, Istanbul, Turkey, p3 (O-05). Transfusion and Apheresis Science, S1–S20, (2012).

  • 36. S. Korkmaz, M. Keklik, S. Sivgin, R. Yildirim, A. Tombak, ME. Kaya, DY. Acik, R. Esen, S. Kabukcu, M. Sencan, I. Kiki, EN. Tiftik, I. Kuku, V. Okan, M. Yilmaz, C. Demir, I. Sari, F. Altuntaş, A. Unal, O. Ilhan. Therapeutic plasma exchange in patients with thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura: a retrospective multicenter study. 14th International Congress of the World Apheresis Association, September 13–15 2012, Istanbul, Turkey, p5 (O-09). Transfusion and Apheresis Science, S1–S20, (2012).

  • 37. IS. Demiriz, AIE. Tekgunduz, G. Durgun, A. Tetik, Z. Genc, SC Bozdag, S. Kocubaba, A. Sarica, A. Kilinc, F. Altuntaş. Bacterial contamination of hematopoietic stem cell products during collection and cryopreservation. 14th International Congress of the World Apheresis Association, September 13–15 2012, Istanbul, Turkey, p14 (O-25). Transfusion and Apheresis Science, S1–S20, (2012).

  • 38. SC. Bozdag, IS. Demiriz, AIE. Tekgunduz, A. Yurtcu, O. Kayikci, A. Tetik, S. Namdaroglu, B. Ugur, G. Durgun, F. Altuntaş. Systemic chemotherapy and G-CSF combination method for the hematopoietic stem cell mobilization. 14th International Congress of the World Apheresis Association, September 13–15 2012, Istanbul, Turkey, p15 (O-28). Transfusion and Apheresis Science, S1–S20, (2012).

  • 39. IS. Demiriz, AIE. Tekgunduz, SC. Bozdag, G. Durgun, Z. Genc, S. Kocubaba, O. Kayikci, S. Namdaroglu, B. Ugur, F. Altuntaş. Pretransplant specific comorbidity index as an outcome predictor for hematopoietic stem cell transplantation patients: single center experience. 14th International Congress of the World Apheresis Association, September 13–15 2012, Istanbul, Turkey, p21 (P-01). Transfusion and Apheresis Science, S1–S20, (2012).

  • 40. S. Ozturkmen, F. Altuntaş, L. Olcay. Granulocyte transfusion therapy in paediatric patients with severe neutropenic infection. 14th International Congress of the World Apheresis Association, September 13–15 2012, Istanbul, Turkey, p38 (p-36). Transfusion and Apheresis Science, S1–S20, (2012).

  • 41. AIE. Tekgunduz, IS. Demiriz, SC. Bozdag, A. Ozkaymak, I. Ucar, F. Ertem, O. Kayikci, A. Tetik, M. Cinarsoy, F. Altuntaş. Is it possible to predict relapse after allogeneic stem cell transplantation via bone marrow chimerism analysis? 14th International Congress of the World Apheresis Association, September 13–15 2012, Istanbul, Turkey, p42 (P-44). Transfusion and Apheresis Science, S1–S20, (2012).

  • 42. IS. Demiriz, S. Kocubaba, AIE. Tekgunduz, S. Civriz, A. Tetik, G. Durgun, Z. Genc, M. Cinarsoy, O. Kayikci, F. Altuntaş. Common adverse reactions during hematopoietic stem cell infusion. 14th International Congress of the World Apheresis Association, September 13–15 2012, Istanbul, Turkey, p42 (P-45). Transfusion and Apheresis Science, S1–S20, (2012).

  • 43. L. Kaynar, C. Sahin, F. Kurnaz, S. Sivgin, B. Eser, F. Altuntaş, I. Sari, E. Uzer, C. Pala, A. Unal, M. Cetin. Results of allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplant from Erciyes Capodoccia Transplantation Center: 11-year experience in centrall Anatolia. 37th European Group for Bone and Marrow Transplantation/27th Meeting of the EBMT Nurses Group/10th Meeting of the EBMT Management Group, APR 03-06, 2011, Paris, France. Bone Marrow Transplantation, 46 (Supplement 1), S188-S188, (2011).

  • 44. F. Kurnaz, L. Kaynar, B. Eser, M. Sekercan, F. Altuntaş, I. Sari, S. Sivgin, C. Pala, A. Unal, M. Cetin. Factors affecting engraftment time in patients undergoing allogeneic peripheral blood stem cell transplantation. 37th European Group for Bone and Marrow Transplantation/27th Meeting of the EBMT Nurses Group/10th Meeting of the EBMT Management Group, APR 03-06, 2011 Paris, France. Bone Marrow Transplantation, 46 (Supplement 1), S188-S188, (2011).

  • 45. C. Kis, M. Pehlivan, S. Pehlivan, B. Eser, T. Sever, M. Yilmaz, L. Kaynar, F. Altuntaş, S. Balci, M. Cetin. The importance of T315I, T317L, E255K and Y253H bcr-abl gene mutations in the patients of chronic myeloid leukemia who treated by imatinib. 15th Annual Meeting of the European-Hematology-Association, (Abstract: 1352), JUN 10-13, 2010, Barcelona, Spain. Haematologica, 95 (Supplement 2), 546-546, (2010).

  • 46. H.Arslan, Ü.Uyeturk, E. Yucel, M.Albayrak, F. Altuntaş. Reviewing of mantle cell lymphoma, Case of a young woman with mantle cell lymphoma. Congress of the Mediterranean Multidisciplinary Oncology Forum, 10-13 September 2009, Athens, Greece. Abstract book, 160, p41, (2009).

  • 47. F. Altuntaş, I. Kocyigit, F. Kurnaz, L. Kaynar, U. Korkmaz, M. Oztekin, M. Solmaz, B. Eser, M. Cetin, A. Unal. Complications of therapeutic plasma exchange: a single center experience. Interdisciplinary European Society for Haemapheresis and Haemotherapy (ESFH) Meeting, 16-19 September 2008 Duseldorf, Germany, p7.02. Transfus Med Hemother, 35 (suppl 1), 1-96, (2008).

  • 48. F. Altuntaş, I. Kocyigit, F. Kurnaz, F. Dogruel, M. Oztekin, M. Solmaz, B. Eser, K. Unlühızarcı, M. Cetin, A. Unal, F. Keleştimur. Therapeutic plasma exchange in patients with severe hyperthroidism: single center experience. Interdisciplinary European Society for Haemapheresis and Haemotherapy (ESFH) Meeting, 16-19 September 2008, Duseldorf, Germany,p7.03. Transfus Med Hemother, 35 (suppl 1), 1-96, (2008).

  • 49. I. Sarı, A. Cetin, L. Kaynar, R. Saraymen, SK. Hacioglu, A. Ozturk, I. Kocyigit, F. Altuntaş, B. Eser. Disturbance of the Pro-oxidative/Antioxidative Balance in Allogeneic Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Transplantation. 15th Annual Meeting of the European-Hematology-Association, (Abstract: 1405), JUN 12-15, 2008, Copenhagen, Denmark. Haematologica, 93, 535-535 (2008).

  • 50. A. Sahin, A. Unal, F. Kurnaz, L. Kaynar, M. Oztekin, M. Solmaz, F. Altuntaş, B. Eser, M. Cetin. The effects of plasma exchange on coagulatin parameters, and platelet functions in patients with multiple myeloma. Turkish Society of Hematology, 1st International Lymphoma - Leukemia - Myeloma (LLM) Congress (abstract 70), May 24-27 2007, Fethiye, Turkey. Turkish J Hematol, Proceedings and Abstract Book, 129, (2007).

  • 51. L. Kaynar, F. Altuntaş, SK. Hacioglu, I. Kocyigit, L. Akyol, M. Karakukcu, B. Eser, T. Patıroglu, A. Unal, M. Cetin. Rhabdomyolysis in a Allogeneic Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Donor. 33rd EBMT Annual Meeting, 25-28 March 2007, Lyon, France. Bone marrow Transplantation, 39 (suppl 1), S142-S142, (2007).

  • 52. F. Altuntaş, I. Kocyigit, L. Kaynar, I. Sarı, S. Kabukcu, M. Sekercan, O. Yıldız, O. Canöz, B. Eser, M. Sencan, M. Gülec, A. Unal, M. Cetin. Autologous peripheral blood stem cell transplatation in patients with relapsed non-Hodgkin lymphoma: cappadocia BMT centre experience. 33rd Annual Meeting of the European-Group-for-Blood-and-Marrow-Transplantation, MAR 25-28, 2007, Lyon, France. Bone marrow transplantation, 39 (Supplement: 1), S318-S318, (2007).

  • 53. I. Sarı, F. Altuntaş, I. Kocyigit, Y. Sisman, B. Eser, A. Unal, T. Fen, A. Ferahbas, A. Oztürk, A. Unal, M. Cetin. Budesonide mouthwsah therapy: a safe and effective protocol for oral chronic graft-versus-host disease. 32nd Annual Meeting of the European-Group-for-Blood-and-Morrow-Transplantation/22nd Meeting of the EBMT-Nures-Group/5th Meeting of the EMBT-Data-Management-Group, MAR 19-22, 2006, Hamburg, Germany, (p421). Bone marrow Transplantation, 37 (suppl 1), S76-S76, (2006).

  • 54. M. Cetin, I. Sarı, F. Altuntaş, O. Yildiz, N. Koc, HM. Buldu, I. Kocyigit, B. Eser, A. Unal. Invazive fungal infection in allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation: the six-years experince of a Cappodoccia transplant center, Turkey. 32nd Annual Meeting of the European-Group-for-Blood-and-Morrow-Transplantation/22nd Meeting of the EBMT-Nures-Group/5th Meeting of the EMBT-Data-Management-Group, MAR 19-22, 2006, Hamburg, Germany, (p727). Bone marrow Transplantation, 37 (suppl 1), S186-S187, (2006).

  • 55. Unal A, Sari I, F. Altuntaş, Kocyigit I, Eser B, Cetin M. Allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation conditioned with intravenous busulfan and cyclophosphamide (IV BuCy2) in patients with haematologic malignancies: the experience of a Cappacloccia transplant centre, Turkey. 32nd Annual Meeting of the European-Group-for-Blood-and-Morrow-Transplantation/22nd Meeting of the EBMT-Nures-Group/5th Meeting of the EMBT-Data-Management-Group, MAR 19-22, 2006, Hamburg, Germany, (p727). Bone marrow Transplantation, 37 (suppl 1), S120-S120, (2006).

  • 56. F. Altuntaş, K. Matevosyan, J. Burner, C. Rutherford, R. Sarode. Lack of Correlation between OD Value of ELISA and Clinical Thrombosis in Patients with Heparin Induced Thrombocytopenia (HIT). XX Congress of the international society on thrombosis and haemostasis. Journal of thrombosis and Haemostasis, 3(suppl 8), (2005).

  • 57. F. Altuntaş, K. Matevosyan, J. Burner, R. Sarode. Analysis of Transfusion Medicine Physicians’ Calls. XXXth World Congress of the International Society of Hematology, 28 September- 3 October 2005, İstanbul, Turkey. Turkish J Hematol, 22 (suppl), p310, (2005).

  • 58. I. Sarı, F. Altuntaş, A. Unal, B. Eser, M. Borlu, A. Ferahbas, M. Cetin, A. Unal. Dermatomyositis after allogeneic stem cell transplantation as sole manifestation of acute graft versus host disease. XXXth World Congress of the International Society of Hematology, 28 September- 3 October 2005, İstanbul, Turkey. Turkish J Hematol, 22 (suppl), p797, (2005).

  • 59. I. Sarı, M. Cetin, F. Altuntaş B. Eser, T. Fen, A. Unal, A. Unal. A randomized, controlled study of EMA versus EMA-CyA in patients with relapsed or refractory acute myeloid leukemia. XXXth World Congress of the International Society of Hematology, 28 September- 3 October 2005, İstanbul, Turkey. Turkish J Hematol, 22 (suppl), p172, (2005).

  • 60. O. Yıldız, F. Altuntaş, I. Sarı, O. Coban, B. Eser, A. Unal, A. Unal, M. Cetin. Microbiological findings of early infection in allogeneic or otolog stem cell transplantation. 31st Annual Meeting of the European-Group-for-Blood-and-Morrow-Transplantation/21st Meeting of the EBMT-Nures-Group/4th Meeting of the EMBT-Data-Management-Group, MAR 20-23, 2005, Prague, Czech Republic. Bone Marrow Transplantation, 35 (suppl 2), R1147, (2005).

  • 61. M. Cetin, I. Sarı, O. Coban, B. Eser, F. Altuntaş, A. Unal. Comparison of different conditioning regimens used in relapse agressive non-Hodgkin lymphoma: ICE- CNV-BEAM. 31st Annual Meeting of the European-Group-for-Blood-and-Morrow-Transplantation/21st Meeting of the EBMT-Nures-Group/4th Meeting of the EMBT-Data-Management-Group, MAR 20-23, 2005, Prague, Czech Republic. Bone Marrow Transplantation, 35 (suppl 2), R1249, (2005).

  • 62. İ. Sarı, B. Eser, M. Kula, F. Altuntaş, E. Mavili, M. Özkan, M. Çetin, A. Tutuş, A. Ünal. GA-67 Uptake, A Predictor of Active Minimaly Residual Disease and Clinical Outcome in Patients with Diffuse Large Cell Lymphoma. 9th Congress of the European Hematology-Association, (Abstract: 334), JUN 10-13, 2004, Geneva, Switzerland. The Hematology Journal, 5 (suppl. 2), 334, (2004).

  • 63. M. Çetin, F. Altuntaş, İ. Sarı, B. Eser, Ö. Er, Ö. Canöz, B. Kaplan, M. Özkan, E. Albayrak, S. Bahar, Y. Özkul, T. Patıroğlu, A. Ünal. Non-myeloablative stem cell transplantation for the treatment of haematologic malignancies and metastatic solid tumours: a single centre experience. 29th Annual Meeting of the European-Group-for-Blood-and-Morrow-Transplantation/19th Meeting of the EBMT-Nures-Group/2nd Meeting of the EMBT-Data-Management-Group, MAR 23-26, 2003, İstanbul, Turkey. Blood Marrow Transplantation, 31 (suppl 1) p158, (2003).

  • 64. S. Yazar, B. Eser, F. Altuntaş, F. Demirtaş, O. Yaman, S. Yalçın, M. Yay, M. Çetin, İ. Şahin, A. Ünal. Prevalence of anti-toxoplasma gondii antibodies in Turkish blood donors. VIII. European Congress of the International Society of Blood Transfusion, 5-9 July 2003 Istanbul, Türkiye. Abstract Book, p033, (2003).

  • 65. B. Eser, F. Altuntaş, B. Kaplan, Ö. Canöz, M. Özkan, Ö. Er, HŞ. Coşkun, K. Gundogan, M. Çetin, A. Ünal. Results of first line treatment in Hodgkin’s disease, single center experience. 8th Annual Congress of the European Hematology Association, 12-15 June 2003, Lyon, France. The Hematology Journal, 4 (supll 4), p0355, (2003).

  • 66. F. Altuntaş, B. Eser, Ö. Canöz, Ö. Er, M. Özkan, B. Kaplan, Ali Sahin, M. Cetin, A. Ünal. Fludarabine and fludarabine based combination chemotherapy in chronic lymphocytic leukemia/lymphoma. 8th Annual Congress of the European Hematology Association, 12-15 June 2003, Lyon, France. The Hematology Journal, 4 (supll 4), p0623, (2003).

  • 67. B. Eser, A. Ünal, R. Coşkun, M. Güven, F. Altuntaş, M. Sungur, İS. Serin, M. Çetin. Decreased mortality rate with plasma exchange in patients with Class 1 HELLP syndrome. 14th Congress of The Interdisciplinary European Society for Haemapheresis and Haemotherapy, 10-13 September 2003, Prague, Czech Republic. Abstract Book, oral P40, (2003).

  • 68. Ö. Er, H. Ş. Coşkun, M. Altınbaş, M. Özkan, B. Eser, M. Çetin, F. Altuntaş, A. Ünal. Meropenem +/- granulocyte colony stimulating factor in treatment of febrile neutropenic patients in cancer, Prospective randomized study. 27th ESMO Congress 18-22 October 2002, Nice, France. Annals of Oncology, 13 (suppl 5), P648, (2002).

  • 69. H. Akbulut, F. Altuntaş, G. Oztürk, GK. Akbulut, M. Cindoruk, U. Ekrem, F. İçli. A New Prognostic Angiogenic Index for the Patients with Colorectal Cancer. 37th Annual Meeting ASCO, May 12-15 2001, San Francisco, CA. Proceedings American Society of Clinical Oncology, 20 (part 2 of 2), 3109a, (2001).

  • 70. A. Arıcan, D. Dinçol, H. Akbulut, S. Sak, F. Altuntaş, G. Dursun, S. Yavuzer. Correlation between Serum p53 antibody and Tissue Mutant p53 in Lung and Larynx Cancers. 37th Annual Meeting ASCO, May 12-15 2001, San Francisco, CA. Proceedings American Society of Clinical Oncology, 20 (part 2 of 2), 2802a, (2001).

  • 71. D. Dincol, H. Akbulut, A. Arıcan, F. Altuntaş. Evalution of Serum p 53 Antibody in Smokers and Nonsmokers. 37th Annual Meeting ASCO, May 12-15 2001, San Francisco, CA. Proceedings American Society of Clinical Oncology, 20 (part 2 of 2), 2807a, (2001).

  • 72. M. Arat, Ö. Arslan, F. Altuntaş, E. Ayyıldız, A. Çiftçi, T. Demirer, O. İlhan. Stem Cell Mobilization with cyclophosphamide (Cy) based regimen in multiple myeloma: Ibn-i Sina Experience. XIII Congres of the Eurpean Society For Haemapheresis, September 16-19 2001, Trento, Italy. Abstract Book, p171a, (2001).

  • 73. M. Arat, F. Altuntaş, E. Akçağlayan, H. Çelebi, S. Bengisu, Ö. Başaran, E. Ünal, M. Özcan, Ö. Arslan, H. Akan. Hickman Catheter For Long-Term Venous Access In BMT Patients: Single Center Experience Of One Hundred Catheters. 26th Annual Meeting of the European-Group-for-Blood-and-Morrow-Transplantation/16th Meeting of the EBMT-Nures-Group, MAR 5-8, 2000, Innsbruck, Austria. Bone Marrow Transplantation, 25 (suppl 1), P907, (2000).

  • 74.     Ozbalak, M., Akay, O. M., Pehlivan, M., Yildiz, B., Uzay, A., Yigenoglu, T. N., ... Altuntas F, & Ferhanoglu, B. (2021). HL-007: Brentuximab Vedotin Consolidation Therapy after Autologous Stem-Cell Transplantation in Patients with High-Risk Hodgkin Lymphoma: Multi-Center Retrospective Study. Clinical Lymphoma Myeloma and Leukemia, 21, S368-S369.
    75.    Tulin Tuglular, Ridvan Ali, Mehmet Turgut, Guray Saydam, Selim Yavuz, Ali Unal, Muhlis Cem Ar, Orhan Ayyildiz, Fevzi Altuntas, Mufide Okay, Rafiye Ciftciler, Ozgur Meletli, Nur Soyer, Metban Mastanzade, Zeynep Guven, Teoman Soysal, Abdullah Karakus, Tugce Nur Yigenoglu, Aslihan Sezgin, Baris Ucar, Ece Gokcen, Yahya Buyukasik. Patterns of hydroxyurea prescriptıon and use in routine clinical management of polycythaemia vera: a multicentre chart review study. 25th Congress of the European Hematology Association to be held in Frankfurt, Germany from June 11 - 14, 2020, EHA-2737.
    76.    Sema Secilmis, Ersin Bozan, Tahir Darcin, Samet Yaman, Nuran Ahu Baysal, Tugce Nur Yigenoglu, Bahar Uncu Ulu, Mehmet Bakirtas, Semih Basci, Jale Yildiz, Derya Sahin, Dicle Iskender, Merih Kizil Cakar, Mehmet Sinan Dal, Fevzi Altuntas. The Coexistence of Hyperimmunoglobulin E Syndrome and Myelodysplastic Syndrome. CLINICAL LYMPHOMA MYELOMA & LEUKEMIA 2020; S208-S208.
    77.    Samet Yaman, Tugce Nur Yigenoglu, Bahar Uncu Ulu, Ersin Bozan, Sema Secilmis, Tahir Darcin, Derya Sahin, Mehmet Bakirtas, Semih Basci, Jale Yildiz, Nuran Ahu Baysal, Dicle Iskender, Merih Kizil Cakar, Mehmet Sinan Dal, Fevzi Altuntas. One Year Remission with Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplantation After Achieving Complete Response by Polatuzumab Vedotin for the Treatment of Refractory Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma. CLINICAL LYMPHOMA MYELOMA & LEUKEMIA 2020; S261-S261.
    78.    Sema Secilmis, Ersin Bozan, Tahir Darcin, Samet Yaman, Tugcenur Yigenoglu, Bahar Uncu Ulu, Derya Sahin, Mehmet Bakirtas, Semih Basci, Jale Yildiz, Nuran Ahu Baysal, Dicle Iskender, Merih Kizil Cakar, Dal Mehmet Sinan, Fevzi Altuntas.Combination of Venetoclax and Hypomethylating Agents in Relapsed/Refractory Acute Myeloid Leukemia: Single-Center Clinical Experience. CLINICAL LYMPHOMA MYELOMA & LEUKEMIA 2020; S192-S193.

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