/ Yurtdışı Deneyimi
1. Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, Transplantation Center, Apheresis Unit and Stem Cell Laboratory, New York, NY, USA (2000): Ankara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dekanlığı ve Türkiye Kemik iliği Transplantasyon Vakfı Burs Katkısı ile.
2. The University of Manchester, “Bone Marrow and Stem Cell Transplantation Course”, 2001, Manchester, İngiltere.
3. Baylor College of Medicine, “Transplantation Immunology and HLA Course”, Texas, USA (2004).
4. Carter Blood Center, “İmmunohematology Course”, Texas, USA (2004).
5. University of Texas, Southwestern Stem Cell Research Center Laboratories, “Stem Cell Training Course”, 2005, Texas, USA.
6. University of Texas, Southwestern Medical Center, Transfusion Medicine, Dallas, TX, USA (2004- 2005): Türk Eğitim Vakfı Burs Katkısı ile.
7. Eurpoean School of Hematology (ESH), “Blood and Bone Marrow Transplantation Course”, 2006, Barcelona, İspanya.
8. CH Lyon-Sud University and Professor Bertrand Coiffier, Lymphoma Forum of Excellence (LYFE), “Lymphoma training course”, Lyon, Fransa (2006).
9. Joint Accreditation Committee ISCT/EBMT (JACIE), “European Inspection Training Course”, Atina, Yunanistan (2008).
10. Heinrich Heine Universitesi, “Advanced level MDS & Acute Leukemia Course”, Düseldorf, Almanya (2008).